Wednesday, September 02, 2020

 Gambling Among Casino Employees

#Gambling among casino employees is a contentious topic in the industry. Singapore and Macau ban casino employees from gambling in casinos and heavy fines and sanctions are imposed on those who try. An empirical study recently published in Journal of Gambling Studies, ranked as the top most journal in gambling research (, Zeng, Forrest & Kale, 2020), finds that casino employees are no more at risk of becoming problem gamblers than non-employees. The "Adaptation Hypothesis" states that over time, increased exposure to the gambling product actually decreases problem gambling prevalence.

I argue that casino employees who gamble in moderation are better equipped to develop empathy with their casino customers. These employees have been in the customer's shoes. Empathy enables the development of an emotional connection with customers, so essential for customer intimacy and engagement. For more on this controversial issue, read my article in the September 2020 issue of EI Industry News. I would love to hear your thoughts on whether YOU think it is okay for casino employees to gamble in casinos. Here's the link:

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